Best 10 Hidden Tricks To Stand Out In Dance Competition 2024

When you first plan to enter a dance competition, it is often overwhelming to find out what exactly to showcase or skip in your entry video.

Not many dance competitions offer you a guide for your entrance video aside from a tense check or a defile size confine, so it’s up to you what to form from thin information.

Trick for Dance Competition

 If you are struggling to capture clips that reflect well on your video and capture the interest of online judges, use these ten tips to make better dance videos.

Mind preparation for the Dance competition

The jury procedure for each dance competition would be unique.

For the best chance of selection, make sure to meet the entry correct procedures

  • Always do your research first on the actual competition you’re curious about.
  • Make notes and push notification alerts if you’ve got to!
  • What is the song choice instruction?
  • When is that the entry deadline of dance competition?
  • Are there any restrictions in their guideline?
  • What are the judging criteria?
  • What category do you want to apply for?
  • In how many rounds will the dance competition be completed?

These are some important points. you ought to give yourself the maximum amount of time possible to make and film your entry video also – don’t wait until the eleventh hour.

If you have any further questions, check out the competition’s FAQ section and contact the organizers as soon as possible.


For indoor shooting

You’ll confirm the lighting is sweet wherever you’re considering filming. Flashing lights or dark rooms give the judges a bad impression of the performance and discourage them from seeing it clearly.

For outdoor shooting

Even some decent dedicated video cameras don’t perform well under standard room-lighting

You make sure that the daylight isn’t going on to the lens of your camera, this will cause the image to become blurred.

The best time to shoot a video is within the morning, At that point, you’ll get the sunshine of perfect quality.


The musical preference improves your chances of winning the competition. . One of the most crucial aspects of your performance is the music choice. In the same way, your music should be crystal clear.  you can use post-production editing to overlay the audio or ask a friend to help you. Distracting music from a phone or radio within the room is common.

Distracting factors

Make sure there are no distractions in your space, whether it’s a toddler in the background, pets wandering the room, or traffic if you’re near a window. You and your performance should be the sole subject of the film.

The location of your shoot is crucial. Avoid using echo rooms for the show, and keep in mind that the wind is infamous for drowning out pleasant noises. Additionally, make sure the video doesn’t have any distracting audio, such as electronic scratching, loud breathing, or people chatting in the background. Before you begin shooting, put your phone in airplane mode to prevent alerts from interrupting your footage.

Camera Position and Quality

The camera should be placed below the height of the dancer Under no circumstances should your face be cut within the video. you’ll cut the leg part if necessary. The quality of your phone camera should be good, just make sure it’s set to the highest setting possible, ideally HD quality, to prevent any video skipping.


dancing competition
Style in dance video

The digital zoom on your phone is perhaps crap, so don’t use it. If you are doing got to capture something pack up, glide in gradually on foot – while remembering to undertake and keep the phone as steady as possible.

It’s also best to avoid an excessive amount of moving your camera from side to side. Any jerky movement that shifts the viewers’ eyes an excessive amount and too quickly is best avoided, and remember, any ‘transitions’ between scenes are often edited later to form them more seamless.

Using camera filters or unnecessarily adding animation to your video can make your judge uncomfortable and they’ll miss out on assessing your talent correctly


If the dance competition host allows, you’ll tell about yourself and your sort of dance within the video’s starting. By doing this you’ll inherit the eyes of the jury and you’ll get a couple of points more.

Keep in mind that the length of the introduction shouldn’t be more than 15 seconds. If the decider doesn’t have much time, then he also can skip your video if they do not love it.

Required 2-camera

Why is it called to shoot video with 2-cameras in a virtual dance competition?

If you’re being asked to use two cameras, then there’s no got to panic. We solve your curiosity now, Using 2 cameras, the organizer wants to ascertain how you cover the stage together with your dance move.

Now this question has arisen on the way to adjust both cameras? For this, take any 2-mobiles and keep it at a distance of 5 -7 feet. One thing to notice here is that if you would like to point out your countenance in dance, then put one camera ahead of the stage.

Video quality and size

How can I reduce the size of videos on the internet without losing quality? Is there an app for that?

There are a variety of free apps on the Play Store that essentially reduce the video size. Video Dieter 2, Videos & Movies Compressor, Video Compressor Resize & Compress Video, and Video Compressor Panda are only a few examples.

1. Go to your device’s app store and search for “Play Store.”

2. Choose ‘Search box.’

3. Type in the keyword “apps name” in the search box.

4. On your phone keyboard, press ‘Enter.’

5. Press and hold the green ‘Install’ button.

7. If prompted, grant permission.

8. Wait 1-2 minutes for the update and installation to complete.

9. When the ‘Open’ button appears, tap it.

10. To grant access to your device, tap ‘Allow.’

11. Go to the ‘video Folder’ that holds the dance film you want to compress.

12. Locate and choose the video in which you choose to reduce the size.

13. Select ‘Compress Video’ from the menu.

14. Choose the appropriate video resolution and height.

15. The video will start compressing.

16. Wait for the compression to complete.

Technical point

Frame rate           30 FPS

Aspect ratio        9:16

Stabilization        Keep ON

Bokeh                    Don’t use, only if a cinematic version is required

ISO                        Avoid high ISO, as you will get noise in the video.

White balance     For room light- keep warm, For daylight – keep cool

Shutter Speed    Keep low for sharp video

Aperture               set in a low priority position


If you pay attention to the words written above, you would have a better chance of being chosen in dance competition.

You do not consider the selector as foolish. Make the video as good as possible, if your performance is not good then everything is useless. Therefore, every time you do something new, the selector can be confident that you are taking the contest seriously.

Competition is just a way to evaluate yourself, so keep checking and don’t miss out on any decent competitions. Best wishes for the dance competition.

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