Show your best version of yourself in wall of fame

Make sure to come back again, as we keep updating our gallery

‘The wall of Fame’ is a gallery dedicated to all the finalists of our past contests. Category of those who have excelled in a particular activity. Each month new winners are added to this wall.
Our main aim to inspire and empower kids to say, “If that kid can do it, so “ I can do even better.”
We define “achievement” as a behavior, or action, actually performed, rather than achieving first, the second position.
We define “kid” as any person under age 19.
Our desire is to have a fire inside you, which will help you continuously refine your skills.

proud of Assam
Proud of Goa
Proud of Tamil Nadu

Proud of Delhi
andra pradesh
Proud of Maharashtra
Proud of Odisha

Proud of Uttar Pradesh
west bengal
Proud of Haryana

madhya pradesh

What people say

Kids were engaged in thinking out of the box and came out with their imagination. This was a great topic! Moreover, the competition was judges-based! Best part –
Aditi Ganguli

It enhance the best ability inside someone who is really interested in paintings –
Rituparna Tripathy

It’s a good opportunity for kids to participate and learn new things –
Naksh Agarwal

The events and topics of high relevance to the present in compatibility to the future.
Priyanka – Gupta Saha

Certificate style is awesome –
Jahnavi Mishra

Really wonderful experience and innovative theme –
Kritishmita Barman

Encouraging young artists and giving category wise certificate –
Tanishka Sojwal Rahatwal

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